Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"I shall come forth as Gold"

In order to refine gold , a goldsmith places gold over a fire until it bubbles and glows. He skims off the impurities from off the top and knows that when he can see his reflection, the gold is pure.
That is what the Lord is doing when you go through trials. When he can see His likeness reproduced in your life, He'll know that you have become gold fit for His use and His glory.
But, the fire is hot! Yes, but God controls it. No jeweler is more careful with his gold that the father his children. He knows what He is doing. But, what about those things He is burning out of my life? You don't need them. If you needed them, your loving Father would make sure you kept them.
"But He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." Job 23:10

Great Site for more Information:  helpme-god.org

1 comment:

give me a second chance said...

KL Great post on I shall come forth as gold, I have found it very helpful and am waiting for more. Your site is amazing!